No. 20 Resolve in Despair

Late 9th or early 10th century. Prince Motoyoshi was son of Yōzei (poem no. 13). The Prince has been caught having a forbidden intimate relationship, and this poem expresses his despair of the situation. Bay of Naniwa means Bay of the Swift Waves.

Resolve In Despair

Now, in dire distress,  
  It is all the same to me!
So, then, let us meet  
  Even though it costs my life
  In the Bay of Naniwa.

Prince Motoyoshi

  Ima hata onaji
Naniwa naru  
  Mi wo tsukushite mo
  Awanu to zo omou.

Motoyoshi Shinnō  

About this poetry

At Salty Dog Digital we’ve decided to gradually republish Clay MacCauley’s translation of Single Songs of a Hundred Poets – a collection of japanese poetry from the seventh through thirteenth centuries. Sixty four of these poems are the rewards in our game fourtex zen.

Author image
Kibbles counter and marketer! Louise makes sure the paperwork eventually gets done.